Sunday, 20 October 2013


The dearest spot on earth to me is home sweet home.
The fairyland I long to see is home sweet home.
There, how charm'd the sense of hearing.
There, where love is so endearing.

All the world is not so cheering as home sweet home
The dearest spot of earth to me is home sweet home
The fairyland I long to see is home sweet home.

I've taught my heart the way to prize My Home sweet home. I've learn'd to look with lover's eyes on home sweet home.

There where vows are truly plighted,
There, where hearts are so united,
All the world besides I've slighted,
for home sweet home.

            My Birthday Roses In Our Kitchen

The dearest spot of earth to me is home sweet home.
The fairyland I long to see is home sweet home.....

With Love Jasmina
(& Oliver Dragojevic :) my favourite croatian singer)


  1. wonderful kitchen your home is absolutley beautiful my dear sister (L)

  2. Thank you little one, true beauty always begins with a loving and tender heart.
