Beloved friends,
It seems as ages since I posted something here,
but that has partly been because, I have been without real functioning internet,
for a longer time now. So today I am catching up with you from work.
And of course I have something to share with you from Beautiful Christ,
who has once again, gained my love and gained my deepest admiration,
This Saturday 03:40 I laid awake, could not sleep. I was tormented with just about every negative feeling, there is to encounter.
And at that point I had reached that final destination,
were I felt totally defeated and overwhelmed by life.
And this was what I said to Christ:
I am tired, I am so tired...
I am more than defeated, I am past defeated, I am defeated...
The faith is gone, the hopes are gone,
the life within me, it is gone now..
And you did not save me,
You did not come to save me...
You did not come...
And than something happened, that changed me.
Christ stepped into my bedroom, he just stepped in, and he was standing in front of me now. Looking at me, with sadness in his eyes. But he was not standing on the ground, but softly floating over a white peaceful cloud, all dressed in pure white. He was dazzling beautiful, the very portrait of beauty. Just looking at him was pure and living comfort.
He gave me a vision of deeply hugging a young woman (me) and than giving her a light kiss on her forehead, just like a dear friend. So much love there were in that hug, I cannot describe it to you.
I could only hear myself thinking, I want to live in this comfort, I was made for this...
And when He left, the negative feelings left as well with him. Somehow all was well now.
I did not know why, I could not understand why, I just knew that I felt so light and at peace and I fell asleep relaxed and comforted. Because of one single kiss on my little forehead..
With Love Jasmina
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