Saturday 18 January 2014

He Is With You Today

Sometimes we are holding on the past in our life. 
Perhaps the past is negatively changing, our perspectiv of today? Even holding us back.
Holding us captive, in that one memory.

That one feeling which is so hard, to let go of, that belong to the past. But we need to let go
and say goodbay to those memories.
They belong to yesterday.

And today is a new today.
And what shall be tomorrow we have not yet seen.
But don't give up on today. He is with you today.
Love is with you today and it is rejoicing, silently.
So let us believe, together friends, you and me.

With Love Jasmina & Jimmy

1 comment:

  1. I love the intimate relationship you have with The Lord Jasmina-it's pure ,sweet and innocent.So beautiful.I adore the oneness that you have with your husband.It JUST IS.What an awesome way to love and be loved!God bless this awesome marriage.
