Wednesday 16 May 2012

Removed From the Garden

Today I wish to share something with You, written by the lovely author Priscilla Shirer from her book, A Jewel in His Crown, which I sincerely recommend. I pray that You will be Encouraged, Strengthened and Loved, through her words, as God’s beloved daughters. It is quite long *smiles, I hope You can bear with it.
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The young woman opened her eyes and lay quietly for a moment. She wasn’t quite sure what to do or say, or whether to do or say anything, so she just lay there in silence. Her eyes hurt because of an intense brightness- what was that distant object that shone so brightly? Her mind raced with thoughts of both excitement and anticipation. Where was she, who was she and how had she gotten here?

The fresh, green scent that comes after rain lingered in her nostrils. She had never smelled anything like it. Suddenly, she felt a sensation, a tingly feeling that caused one finger to move. She moved another finger, and another, until her whole hand was now in front of her, within eyesight. It blocked the brightness of the sun.

She then lifted her head ever so slightly and looked down at her body. It was very beautiful indeed. As she continued to move, she found with great astonishment that his object belonged to her, and when she wanted to move it, she could. What were those ten things at the base of this beautiful piece of art? Did they belong to her?

Obviously somebody had bestowed upon her an extraordinary gift, but all of this was so new, so unique. She had never seen anything like it before. She was sitting up by now, and her attention was so fully captivated that she hadn’t even noticed the long, colorful creature that was coiled nearby. Only when it moved away did it capture her attention.

Just before it vanished, her eyes met his eyes, and she was momentarily captivated. Those eyes looked back at her and seemed to tell her things about herself- things that made her feel proud and important. The strange attraction between her and the creature seemed almost magical. She heard something behind her and glanced around, then she looked back toward the colorful creature, but it had vanished.
She lifted her head and drew in a breath. She had been so consumed by her initial waking and by the creature, that she hadn’t even noticed her surroundings. There were gorgeous trees and vines everywhere. Plants and flowers abounded in color and beauty beyond belief. She was captivated. Above her was a magnificent blue canopy, containing beautiful white pillows that she longed to touch. In fact, she wanted to touch everything.
   Just then, she heard His voice. “Eve!”

She knew nothing of her surroundings, but she somehow recognized that voice.
No matter where she was or what she was doing, she would always know that voice.
“Yes, Father,“ she replied. She was almost too excited for words. “Where am I?” she asked. She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that He was there. Now she knew that she was all right. It was part of who she was to trust her Father.

 “All that you see, “He explained, “I have given to you. You are my beautiful daughter, and you are worthy of many gifts. I will use you to give Me glory in this new place that I have created. There is another one like you who will come to you. I have made you to be a suitable helper for him*. You and he will become on flesh, and your life together will be filled with joy, because I will always be with you. I will come and walk with you in the Garden and speak with you often. You are My little girl, and the gifts that I have given you are special. Take care of them for me. If you need anything from Me, just call out to Me, for I will never be far away.

But remember this- from the fruit of the trees of the Garden you may eat, but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the Garden you shall not eat.  Don’t even touch it! I have placed everything else within your power, and there is nothing else that you cannot have. I only keep those things from you that will do you harm…. Because I love you so dearly.”

Eve was content and comfortable, because everything she needed she had. She did not understand all that was taking place, but she felt peaceful and happy. Her Father had given her so many beautiful gifts- gifts that she did not deserve. He must really love her and care for her. What a magnificent Father He was!

She continued walking in her new, unknown world, pondering the word that her Father had spoken. He had said that someone was coming to her. Who was He talking about? Was it the colorful creature she had seen before? If so, where had the creature gone? So many things were unanswered, yet she believed every word her Father had spoken.

She heard the soft sound of feet against leaves and turned around. In the distance she saw a most elegant figure walking toward her. His shape was much like her own, and she had not seen anything like him in the Garden. In an instant she knew that this was the one her Father had promised. Now she was not alone.

Eve rested and waited and reflected. She had been given so many wonderful gifts in such a short period of time, and now she could not wait until the next gift appeared. She sat for several moments. Nothing. She waited a little longer, looking around her as if she expected, another miracle to take place at any moment. Still nothing. She began to be bored. She needed something to do.

She looked around to find something of interest to occupy her attention, and all at once her eyes locked on the colorful creature that she had seen before. His long body was coiled in a tree nearby-the tree in the middle of the Garden. She was once again drawn to the eyes that seemed to tell her so much about herself. She walked toward the creature, and this time it opened its mouth and spoke to her. Its words met her at the point of her need. “This tree upon which I rest will bring you joy beyond belief. You will have all that your Father has. In fact you will be just like Him if you simply eat of this delicious fruit.”

Eve’s first inclination was to turn and walk away, for her Father’s voice had spoken very clearly to her concerning this. But instead, she lingered. She couldn’t resist the temptation to come closer  and see what the serpent was talking about. Her Father was wonderful- what could possibly be wrong with being just like Him? At first she resisted, but then she tasted. She disobeyed. She disregarded her relationship with her loving Father. The consequence was evident. She and her new husband would now be removed from the Garden.

   *And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him
      Genesis 2:18


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