Monday 10 September 2012

Loving Tenderness

Sometimes when the stress of the Day kicks in, it can get more than overwhelming and those who are near to my heart, have come to know over the years, that I always try to avoid stress at every cost.

This often means that I always get up much earlier, than I need, to be able to attend to the day, with a peaceful mind and a loving, caring heart. But from time to time the stress just creeps up on me, without me being able, to shake it of.

So this Sunday afternoon, we were expected to attend to a little ones' birthday party, and I was not quite in the mood for it. I had much to do in our home (and I do love housekeeping) and I really needed my rest also, to be able to face a new week.

But in the middle of my somehow stressful make up session *smiles, included me helping my dear with his preparations, my mother-in law was at the door, pushing so hard on the bell. If I was not sressed before, the bell sound, made it sure that I was. Because we needed to go together she expected us to be finished by now, (and we were not.....) and the gift needed to be bought, and so much, much  more.

What a moment, I could just faint...So Jimmy, my beloved told his mother, to help us buy the present, so we could have some more time, to get finished. But when he took a good look at me, he realized, that it was about time for me, to take a deep breath, so he did the sweetest, loving thing.

 He looked deep into my eyes and said, 'just wait for a moment, and look into my eyes and breath, while I count to three.' But I did not really had any time for some breathing exercise, but inspite of it, the tenderness in his eyes was so lovely that it comforted my heart.

So I did as he asked me to, trying to breath slowly and looking into his eyes. Meanwhile, he stood there by my side, looking so tenderly and softly at me. Then when I was finished he said, 'now you are done, and now you may kiss me if you wish so.' And He kissed me so softly, like a feather caressing my lips and his love comforted, my weary heart.....


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