Tuesday 14 August 2012

 Sacredness of Marriage and  Homemaking

Dear Readers,
How I have thought of You, longing for an oppurtunity to share with you, some of my thoughts. Of my learning and relearning of the sacredness, of marriage and homemaking!

This week I would like to share with You, some lovely thoughts by Lady Lydia over at:

but as well, some inspiring words, by one of my favourite Biblical women, Sarah Edwards from the book, Marriage to a difficult man; the uncommon union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards.

I hope You will be encouraged, in your most wonderful calling, as King's daughters.
As I have promised, I am posting one of my own pictures, and this one is from our kitchen, smiles*.

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"I work for a King.
 He has put me in charge of his home.
 When He comes to see how I have managed His possessions
 and His children, I do not want to be found wanting.  

 I want to do my best. 

Everything I have is on loan from Him.
I have room and board and a job to do, but it is all for Him.
Therefore I want to dress my best and do my best in all my work.

I also want to be creative, for this is a sincere attempt to glorify Him 
and His beautiful creation.
How I manage my home is a form of worship to Him." (Lady Lydia)

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 "While she uniformly paid a becoming deference to her husband and treated him with entire respect, she spared no pains in conforming to his inclination and rendering everything in the family agreeable and pleasant; accounting it her greatest glory and there wherein she could best serve God and her generation, to be the means in this way of promoting his usefulness and happiness."
   (Marriage to a difficult man; the uncommon union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards)


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